Tone and Sculpt
1. Understand that weight training for women doesn't result in huge muscles

2. Don't be scared of carbohydrates

3. Get enough protein, as lots of women don't.

4. Join a woman's workout plan like Workout Meals 360 (WM 360)

And it's the result of the company's years in the market and listening to consumers.
And this is just what we want for you!
5. Keep performing your glutes and legs workout frequently: science says it's the only way

This means you're a recovery expert and can get right back to training the same muscle group faster than men.
6. Perform lots of squats to maximise your booty building results

Most would be forgiven for thinking that hip thrusts are the best when it comes to glutes growth.
Now don't get me wrong, they're terrific and you should do them.
But the humble squat doesn't get enough credit for being a solid booty builder.
And this is in line with other research: squats allow for the glutes to be worked in a longer range of motion whilst hip thrusts work the glutes at a lot shorter range of motion.
The more your muscle is stretched during a movement and asked to shift weight, the more muscle can be grown.
This is called stretch-mediated hypertrophy and applies to all muscles.
So make sure you're squatting regularly; you can do it two to four days per week!
This information isn't common amongst many weight workouts for women programs, so be sure to share it with as many of your friends that need to know!
7. Spend enough time in a minor calorie surplus to grow adequate muscle
8. Once you're happy with your muscle mass after 3 years, then shred down.
9. Don't compare yourself to other girls on social media

10. Throw out your "fat-burning" supplements
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