8 Foods That Will Help Boost Your Memory

8 Foods That Will Help Boost Your Memory

8 Foods That Will Help Boost Your Memory

Over the past 20 years there have been huge advances in our understanding of the brain in general and the memory in particular. As well as understanding what makes the memory work, we now have a much better understanding of what nutrients we need to get the most of our memory.

Researchers have identified two key vitamins that are great for boosting the memory:

  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin K

A number of studies have shown that Vitamin E prevents cognitive impairment and protect the brain’s neurons from Alzheimer’s Disease. While taking foods rich in Vitamin E or supplement forms of it will not actually prevent a person from getting Alzheimer’s, it is able to reduce the negative effects on memory. It will also improve memory ability in people who are not suffering from Alzheimer’s.

Vitamin K has also been shown to have positive effects on the memory. It has been associated with improved verbal memory performance and overall cognitive functioning.

Researchers have also found that zinc is an important nutrient for memory enhancement.

As a result of the role that Vitamins E and K and zinc play in memory enhancement, we recommend eating foods that are rich in these vitamins. Here are 8 of the best:

Gouda Cheese

Gouda cheese has the highest Vitamin K content of any food. It is a cheese derived from cow’s milk that comes from the Netherlands that is mild flavoured and yellow coloured.

Oil Based Salad Dressings

Eating salads that are dressed in healthy vegetable oils is beneficial for your memory. The oil that has the highest Vitamin E content is wheatgerm. In fact, one tablespoon of wheatgerm oil will provide you with your complete daily requirement of Vitamin E. Other excellent oils to include are hazelnut, sunflower and safflower. Olive oil is also high in Vitamin E, with one tablespoon providing 13% of your daily requirement.

Peanutt Butter

Peanut Butter. Almonds, Hazelnuts

Peanuts, almonds and hazelnuts are all rich sources of Vitamin E. One ounce of almonds will provide you with 34% of your daily requirement, while an ounce of hazelnuts will give you 22%.

Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds

Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are rich sources of zinc. Sunflower seeds are also a good source of vitamin E, with one ounce providing you with 37% of your daily requirement.

Dark Green, Leafy Vegetables

Dark green leafy vegetables such as kale, collard greens, spinach, broccoli, and asparagus are great sources of both Vitamin K and E. Just a half cup of broccoli provides you with 6 percent of your daily requirement of both of those vitamins.


Avocados are an excellent source of Vitamin E, with a single avocado providing you with 28% of your daily requirement. That makes guacamole an especially good memory food, especially if it is consumed with whole grain pita bread.

Red Wine

Red wine is an established part of the Mediterranean Diet, which has been universally acclaimed because of its brain boosting ability. Up to two glasses of red wine daily will help to boost your memory.

Mangoes and Kiwifruit

Fruits in general, and mangoes and kiwifruit in particular, are great for cognitive development and memory enhancement. Both of these are high in Vitamin E.

Wrap Up

Now that you’ve got a list of foods that are great for your memory, take active measures to incorporate them into your day. Try adding two or three of these food sources per week. Within a month, you’ll be eating for enhanced memory every day.





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