Not all protein bars are the same. Here's why.

Not all protein bars are the same. Here's why.

Protein Bars

We know how critical protein is for weight loss and muscle growth -- get enough of it, and you're on your way to success. Protein bars were created to ensure we can get a tasty protein hit anywhere, whenever needed. But here's the news: not all of them are the same. And we know because we've just made some. So how do they differ? This article will take you through it. Let's begin!

What Makes A Good Protein Bar?

We've listened to the feedback of those who consume protein bars, and the most significant issues are:

- They don't taste great
- They don't have enough protein
- They use nasty ingredients

 So we've created ours, which:

- Taste tremendous (even if we say so ourselves!)
- Have high protein (20 grams)
- Up to 15 grams of fibre
- Use all-natural ingredients (no sorbitol, maltitol, or other sugar alcohols the other brands use)
- Have no GMOs 
- Are gluten-free
So this is why we're all dancing around our Workout Meals factory like the Bee Gees -- we're so confident you're going to love them. 

Forget about GMOs and nasty sugar alcohols like the aforementioned sorbitol; in our bars, you'll find superior natural ingredients like almond paste, dark chocolate, cocoa powder, rice malt syrup, and organic cacao butter. Now that's better ...
Protein Bar Workout Meals

Importance of Fibre

We've really concentrated on getting you enough fibre because it's not only great for your health -- but might be great for fat loss, too. Specifically:

- Fibre increases chewing time and delays the time it takes for food to pass through your stomach. This means you're fuller for longer and are less likely to overeat.

- Fibre encourages the growth of a more favourable gut microbiome, associated with lower long-term weight gain.
- These factors have led researchers to conclude that fibre allows for an "increased ease of weight loss." 

Fibre might not only help us maintain and lose weight but ensure we stay healthy, too. More research is coming to light surrounding fibres' potential ability to fight harmful carcinogens that can cause cancer. Evidence suggests we're protecting ourselves against colon, breast, ovary, and endometrial cancer by getting enough dietary fibre. 

There's more research to be done here, and there's nothing definite -- but it's enough to continue eating more fibre. 

Why You Need More Protein

cookies and cream protein bar workout meals

Protein is great for muscle growth AND fat loss. Regardless of your goal, it will serve you, because: 

1. It keeps us full better than carbs and fat, so we're less likely to overeat. 
2. It's low in calories (just 4 calories per gram!) 
3. Our bodies burn about 30% of all calories from protein just trying to digest it! 
4. It gives us great dietary satisfaction and helps maintain dietary progress

5. When weight loss subjects are overfed by 800 calories from protein, they still lose weight! This is due to thermogenesis; the heat generated by the body to digest it which burns so many calories (related to point 3)

6. Protein is what builds and repairs muscle. So you need it for growing muscle as much as for losing fat.

Protein should be the priority regardless of what you're trying to achieve. The end.

And our protein bars make your next hit of it even more convenient. 

How Much Protein Do We Need?

Recent recommendations are to consume 2.3-3.1 grams of protein per kilogram of fat-free mass when fat loss is the goal. You can even go down to 1.5 if you find that number too much, but 3 is the threshold. 

For muscle growth, in light of the above data, start at 1.5-2 grams per kilogram of body weight per day.

For a fat loss example, if you weigh 80 kilograms and want to lose weight, you'd multiply that by two to get 160 grams of protein. So your day could look like the following:
how much protein do you need?

- Breakfast (40 grams of protein)
- Lunch (30 grams of protein)
- After-work snack -- Workout Meals protein bar (20 grams of protein)
- Post-workout shake (30 grams of protein)
- Dinner (40 grams of protein)
- Before bed (20-30 grams of protein) either from another Workout Meals protein bar or a shake

Total = 180-190 grams of protein

So that's how protein bars can fit into your weight loss muscle growth goals, daily!

The bottom line is that our Workout Meals protein bars are made without the nasty ingredients found in many other brands, they taste great, and have a good amount of protein. Protein is a critical part of your physique success, and you need to be able to consume it anywhere, which is the benefit of protein bars. Moreover, the fibre content in our bars might be beneficial for helping with weight loss, and also potentially beneficial for your health. Although more research is needed here, current recommendations are still to consume enough dietary fibre! Protein bars should be consumed between meals to ensure your daily protein target is reached.  


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