Workout Meals success story | WM360 | Dan

Workout Meals success story | WM360 | Dan

Dan Lost 6kg^ And Is Feeling Super Proud

Weight Loss Transformation

Tell us about your experience on WM360?
I received it all! The Meals delivered weekly, access to a nutritionist, my own coach that held me accountable all via the WM360 app, I couldn't have asked for more.

Why did you choose Workout Meals/ WM360?
I chose the accountability making sure that someone was there, sort of checking on me, making sure I was eating my food, doing my workouts, that has been there and done it themselves. Making sure I have someone who can actually design something that was right for me.

Tell us about your weight loss journey
WM360 combined everything I needed, just look at the site! They combined meals because you know I am a father of three, married and run a full time business so getting the food prep was definitely something that I needed to make sire was incorporated into my program. By looking everywhere I stubbled across Workout Meals 360 and realised that was going to be the right choice for me. So having these meals prepped was so convenient because I am in and out. Open the fridge, grab it for lunch, grab it for dinner and after my workout. That made it so convenient.

What’s that like to 6kgs?
I lost about 6 kilos.

What did you like best about Workout Meals food?
Fresh not frozen tastes amazing unlike all the other delivery services I have tried. Knowing they don't have added preservatives and flavour enhancers also give me peace of mind.

What is your favourite meal on WM360?
My favourite meals definitely are going to have to be the roast lamb and second favourite is definitely going to be the Naked Turkey Burger. Those meals were so delicious.

Was there anything that surprised you on the WM360 program?
I received the accountability and customised support from a meal delivery service which I didn't think existed, especially all included for the price of my meals.

Can you tell me about your coach in the WM360 program?
Accountability! The coach was there for me, checking in on me making sure that I was eating my food and doing my workouts, doing my daily step count, drinking enough water all via the WM360 app.

How has workout meals been changing your life?
I have a far greater understanding of nutrition, while I feel pleased with my physique & feel more energetic.

Would you recommend WM360?
One of the most important things you can do is set yourself up for success. So your WM360 coach will be able to do that for you. That is what I found to be super helpful, so definitely I recommend WM360 for anyone wanting to start their journey.

Have your friends or family or even work colleagues reacted to you losing the weight?
The biggest thing was people seeing it in my face. I have people currently saying like asking me questions, what are you doing? You're looking great! They also noticed a difference in my energy and how it was appearing. 

What would you say is the best thing about being on WM360
The coach setting you up for success.

Do you have any tips for others on the transformation journey ?
If you are thinking about a program that creates it all because you are a little bit lost about what to do with your food and your exercises and definitely if you need the accountability, having that coach there checking in on you my tip is to lean on the experience of the WM360 coach to drive you on your journey and not keep going around in circles.
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